First Energy Seeks Rate Increase

FirstEnergy has submitted a proposal to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) seeking approval for a $190 million rate increase for consumers of its electric distribution service.

If approved, total bills for a typical Illuminating Company consumer using 1,000 kWh per month will jump from $173.61 to $186.63 per month. For a typical Ohio Edison consumer, the increase would be from $170.23 to $173.22 per month; and a typical consumer of Toledo Edison would see their average monthly bill rise from $171.74 to $173.30.

The Office of the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel (OCC), the state advocate for Ohio’s residential utility consumers, is analyzing FirstEnergy’s rate increase proposal. OCC is concerned that FirstEnergy’s proposed increase is excessive and would significantly burden FirstEnergy consumers.

You have an opportunity to voice concerns regarding this rate increase in several ways: by providing comments online, submitting comments by mail, and providing in person testimony on the proposed rate increase. All these communications become part of the record that the PUCO must consider when ruling on FirstEnergy’s rate increase. As your state legislator I would encourage you submit comment regarding this potential rate increase.

Consumers can submit online comments in the case at the PUCO:

They may also mail a letter with their comments on FirstEnergy’s proposed rate increase. Written correspondence commenting on the FirstEnergy rate increase should contain the case number, PUCO Case 24-468- EL-AIR and should be directed to: Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, 180 E. Broad St., 11th Floor Columbus, OH 43215.

As of now, the dates, times, and locations for providing in person testimony are not known. The PUCO has yet to announce a schedule for public hearings. OCC has requested a virtual hearing and the utility has agreed, but the PUCO has yet to rule. Once the public hearing dates are set, I am encouraging you to participate in person at the local hearing(s) to share your views on FirstEnergy’s rate increase. You can find additional information here:

If you have additional questions or concerns, call or email the Ohio Consumers’ Council at 1-877-742-5622 or